The Eurochamber of Paraguay together with the European Union, have the pleasure of presenting you the EUROPEAN NIGHT, a meeting that took place on Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 7:30 p.m., in the CAVA Hall of Monalisa – Shopping Paseo La Galería, Asunción.
This edition was a meeting for the launch of the European Union digital platform “Access2Markets”, a site managed by the Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission (“DG TRADE”).
The digital platform of the European Union is called “Access2Markets”, which combines a database with access to more than 120 world markets, with enormous commercial assistance and totally free. It has everything there is to know about duties, taxes, standards and product requirements for all EU countries and more than 120 markets around the world, combining the market access database, the commercial helpdesk of the EU and much more in a single tool. The portal is mainly intended for micro, small and medium-sized companies seeking to internationalize.
The Minister of Industry and Commerce (MIC), Luis Alberto Castiglioni, attended the evento and highlighted that the MIC is developing very specific programs, policies and actions, with a strong emphasis on the competitiveness of MSMEs, always on the path of the innovation. Thanking for this platform and for the permanent interaction with the European Union. The counselor of the European Union, head of the Economic and Trade Relations Sector in Uruguay and Paraguay, Damian Kaminski, pointed out that the “Access2Markets” platform aims to increase trade and bilateral investments between Paraguay and the European Union. The ambassador of the European Union in Paraguay, Javier García de Viedma, indicated that the European Parliament and the members of the association have an important role to have more trade and investments and more sustainable businesses with Paraguay.
More info: https://foco.lanacion.com.py/2021/12/16/ue-lanza-plataforma-que-contribuira-al-aumento-del-comercio/
Platform “Access2Markets”: https://trade.ec.europa.eu/access-to-markets/es/home